Personal Loans for 670 Credit Score or Lower Personal Loans for 580 Credit Score or Lower Whenever you are uncertain, call and talk to a state representative explaining your specific situation so they can give you an accurate answer.Best Debt Consolidation Loans for Bad Credit However, Nubern would have never been able to determine this without making the phone call. In conclusion, the GDR confirmed Nubern does not need to complete a Georgia nonresident income tax return. The GDR representative states that performing services through the internet while being physically present in Georgia is not defined as Georgia source income by the State of Georgia. Source income from Georgia includes wages, Georgia lottery winnings, income from flow through entities, rents, etc. If you are not domiciled in Georgia, Georgia will want an income tax return if you have some form of source income from Georgia. The GDR representative on the phone clarifies the state of Georgia’s definition of source income.

Nubern feels he satisfies both statements, because he physically worked within Georgia and he is required to file a Federal income tax return.īut, he’s still uncertain, so Nubern calls the GDR directly to get clarity. The guidance states that those “who work in Georgia… and are required to file a Federal income tax return, are required to file a Georgia income tax return.” Or, they may affirm you must pay income taxes for performing services while in their state like California. The state may provide great news relieving you from completing an income tax return like Georgia did for Nubern. When in doubt, call the state’s tax department and ask about your specific situation to gain clarity and peace of mind. Once you find the tax rules for nonresidents, take your time and read them carefully.Īs a forewarning, these rules can be confusing and difficult to understand. It may be different like California’s Franchise Tax Board or New Jersey’s Division of Taxation. Not all states name their tax organization the Department of Revenue.Here are keywords to use when searching online to help you find nonresident income tax rules for each state:
Currently, states are working to figure out how to tax people that perform services using the internet. Since each state approaches taxing nonresident income differently, it’s important to individually research each state you’ve traveled through and did work within.Īlso, be prepared for rules to change from year-to-year. In this article, we’ll show you how to do the research so that you can determine which states you may need to complete a nonresident income tax return for. Every state handles taxing nonresident income differently. It depends on your unique facts and circumstances and it depends on each state’s tax rules. So, which states do you need to complete a nonresident state income tax return? It depends. Each state we work in may have rules taxing nonresident’s income earned within their state borders. Why? When we make income while working in states other than where we’re domiciled, we may be required to file additional tax returns such as a nonresident tax return. However, come tax season, our travels and working in many states may create more tax returns to file. One of the best perks of our lifestyle? We can change our office view at any time from the east coast to the west coast and all that’s in between. As full-time travelers, we’re living the dream! We’ve chosen a life of endless road trips fueled by the freedom to work as we go.