"I would have a word with your people in that lab. Jurassic World Incident "We have an asset out of containment!" - Claire Dearing ( src) Upon Simon Masrani's announcement of the creation of the genetic hybrid, now named Indominus rex, online ticket sales for Jurassic World skyrocketed. Henry Wu, the creator of the hybrid, had made a deal with InGen Security Division commander Vic Hoskins to weaponize it in a grand scheme to have dinosaurs be used in military operations and kept many of the creatures used in its creation a secret. Development of the hybrid began in 2012 in the Hammond Creation Lab sometime after the board meeting. The result was a genetically modified hybrid of several dinosaur genera and modern animals. Henry Wu his approval to create a new species. After he had gotten out of the meeting, Simon emailed Dr. Simon Masrani attended a meeting on April 4, 2012, in which the board of his company unanimously desired a new attraction for Jurassic World to satisfy investors. Years after opening, Jurassic World's success was lower in 2011 unlike the previous years of its operation. Indominus rex on the Hammond Creation Lab computer. On April 5, 2009, another hybrid was created. On May 21, 1997, he created Karacosis wutansis, a hybrid plant. Henry Wu, was fascinated with the possibility to create entirely new species by gene mixing, ever since he learned that the inclusion of frog DNA had given the dinosaurs the ability to switch gender. Lastly, pit viper snake DNA added special cavities in the skull that allowed her to see infrared, which helped her see the heat coming from her prey in dark areas. Tree frog DNA was added for the Indominus to adapt to the tropical climate of Isla Nublar, but it instead added the ability for the animal to remove her thermal signature, which confused most of the heat-based infrared cameras.
Cuttlefish genes were intended to help the Indominus withstand an accelerated growth, but it also added chromatophore cells in the skin so it could change the shape, color, and texture of its skin like a cuttlefish. One swipe of the hybrid's claws would take down a specific opponent. Therizinosaurus DNA added the presence of long forelimbs with strong, slashing claws. Deinosuchus DNA was used to form the crocodilian teeth of the Indominus that were used in grasping the flesh of opponents. Abelisaur genes ( Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, Pycnonemosaurus, Quilmesaurus, and Viavenator) were added to act as a biological form of armor that absorbed most of the incoming attacks. Including the shape of the head in some parts from Giganotosaurus. It was mentioned that the Indominus rex would be larger than the T. Giganotosaurus DNA was added for the large size of the Indominus. Velociraptor DNA was added for high levels of intelligence and the ability to make plans and decisions. It also gave the Indominus rex an incredibly strong bite that could crush bulletproof glass. The genome of Tyrannosaurus rex was used as the base genome for the hybrid.

There were also the DNA of modern animals such as cuttlefish, tree frog, and a pit viper snake. Some of the known species that were included were Velociraptor, Carnotaurus, Giganotosaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, Pycnonemosaurus, Quilmesaurus, Viavenator, Deinosuchus, and Therizinosaurus. The hybrid was created by modifying the genome of a Tyrannosaurus rex with the DNA of various other theropods. In the film Jurassic World, she was going to be the latest attraction added to the park for higher profits.
She was one of the largest existing theropods in the Jurassic World film, as well as the film's main antagonist, the posthumous overarching antagonist of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Henry Wu) of the Netflix series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (specifically the central antagonist of Season 1 and a posthumous antagonist of the subsequent seasons). The Indominus rex was the secondary antagonist of the Jurassic Park franchise. She will be fifty feet long when fully grown. Jurassic World: The Ride "Oh, Indominus wasn't bred.